Mr and Mrs Bradshaw with Tilly

Mr and Mrs Bradshaw with Tilly

As you know, I was rather skeptical of your methods when we first sought your help because I couldn’t understand how overcoming antisocial behaviour in dogs could be achieved just by positive/reward-based training. It seemed contrary to how dogs discipline each other and behave in a pack and also contrary to what I thought were the methods traditionally used by farmers and others to train their dogs. 

Rather against my instincts my wife and I persevered, and i
t is now pretty obvious that what we have done (and we have worked very hard) has been successful – Tilly is making huge progress and has turned away from being a nervous and very antisocial rescue dog to becoming a delightful family pet. 

I now understand that if we had pursued a different course of a more aggressive or confrontational type of training, there would have been a serious risk of her behaviour getting worse, not better. So, a big thank you to you, and a firm recommendation from me!  Well done!

Mr and Mrs Bradshaw with Tilly