Adoption and Foster Care Assessments

Assessment and Advice

Ali offers a comprehensive service for both individuals and agencies in the assessment of dogs for the homes of potential adoptive parents or foster carers.  Advice on how to introduce the dog to the children is also included and if required, behavioural advice for any relevant concerns e.g. if the dog jumps up on greeting and how to positively reinforce an alternative behaviour.  On going support for any behaviour or training concerns can also be arranged.   

The assessment process involves:

-  A visit to the home lasting approximately 3 hours (often including a short walk to a familiar location)   

-  A report sent to the individual or agency requesting the assessment. This will include:

  • The caregivers experience and relationship with the dog(s).
  • The dog's training history.
  • The dog's exposure to children outside of the family (0-5yrs, 5-10yrs, 10+ years).
  • The behaviour of the dog with different members of the household and visiting children (0-5yrs, 5-10yrs, 10+ years).
  • The general temperament of the dog.
  • The response of the dog in various contexts/social situations.
  • The dog's medical history - This will be supported by a letter from the caregivers veterinary practice.
  • Practical considerations regarding the home environment.
  • A professional opinion on the risks the dog(s) may present to children, particularly children with social, emotional or behavioural difficulties.
  • Advice regarding the introduction of the dog(s) to the child/children.